Wednesday, October 22, 2014

lakewood bokkenrijders - doppelsticke alt

At first glance, you are probably asking yourself the same question I had; what the fuck is a bokkenrijder?

Bokkenrijder, translated from Dutch, means 'buckrider.' Read the bloody and fairly disturbing Dutch myth below.

I'm a big fan of the Lengendary Series beers that Lakewood produces. So far, they have mainly been Belgian influenced, so I was anxious to try a more German influenced legend. 'Sticke' in German means 'secret' and is typically reserved for stronger versions of the Altbier style, leading to the Sticke Alt style. This one pours a bloody red/copper color (maybe to coincide with the bloody myth?) and gives off big fruity esters with hints of cherry and sweet malt. The flavors reminded me of what an Imperial Oktoberfest/Marzen might taste like, reminiscent of the smooth soft malts they are famous for. This one is all malt baby, so hop heads won't get any of their dank resins in this one. Even though the myth will probably give me nightmares tonight, I highly recommend picking this one up. Cheers!

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